萨拉·蒂斯代尔(Sara Teasdale, 1884-1933)是美国浪漫派女诗人,生于密苏里洲圣路易斯。没有受过正规教育,但她勤奋 好学,自学成才。一度侨居欧洲和中东,1916年定居纽约。1918年她的诗集[爱歌]获美国第一个诗歌普利策奖。
她的诗作纯朴 无华,表达自然流利 ,情感娇嫩脆弱,如涓涓流水,纤细而安静 ,有时在文静之中也蕴躲 着几丝感伤,她对感情,对自然,对人生的那份真挚以及多愁善感的心灵,极易引起人们的共喊 。她于1929年与共同生活15年的丈夫离婚,患有肺炎的她几乎是半个残废人,1933年服药自杀。
Sara was born in St。 Louis, Missouri, in 1884, to a religious family。 As a youth she traveled frequently to Chicago and became a part of a circle of people associated with the magazine Poetry。
She published several volumes of her own poetry through the early 1900s。
She married in 1914 and subsequently moved with her husband to New York City。
In 1929 she divorced her husband and lived on her own after that。
In 1918 she won the Columbia University Poetry Society Prize, which later became the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry。
She wrestled with chronic illness and, after a severe bout of pneumonia in 1933, she apparently committed suicide by taking an overdose of barbituates。
On the Dunes
If there is any life when death is over,
These tawny beaches will know much of me,
I shall come back, as constant and as changeful
As the unchanging, many-colored sea。
If life was small, if it has made me scornful,
Forgive me; I shall straighten like a flame
In the great calm of death, and if you want me
Stand on the sea-ward dunes and call my name。
忆我沙丘侧,唤 名进 君怀。