中国闻名 的教诲家、儿童心理学家;
“完全 的人和完全 的生长”教诲思惟的开创人;
“儿童灵敏 期理论”的开创人;
孙瑞雪教师创做的专著《爱和安闲》、《捕捉儿童灵敏 期》、《完全 的生长》创始了中国幼儿教诲界的新纪元,成为中国新一代父母培植 孩子的必读书。
Brief Introduction of Sun Ruixue
Famous Chinese educator and child psychologist;
Initiator of “Love and Freedom, Rule and Equality” educational spirit;
Initiator of “Complete Man and Integrated Growth” educational philosophy;
Initiator of “the theory of children’s sensitive period”;
Principal of S.R.X. Education Organization;
Her books Love and Freedom, To Capture Children’s Sensitive Period and Integrated Growth-Self Creation in Children’s lives mark the new era of the early childhood education in China.
Sun Ruixue not only led a team to create a happy land for children’s growth, but also initiated a new life style for this land. This life style serves the entire society, and makes it possible for the appearance of a new life form.
孙瑞雪教诲机构聚集了一批对教诲科学和人的生长有着深进 研究的专家团队,缔造了一套有坚实根底的、有普及深挚的汗青渊源与底蕴的、有广度深度的心理学与教诲学的理论系统,并禁受了思惟的审阅 和时间、理论的校验。
“完全 的人和完全 的生长”的教诲思惟;
科学的儿童心理阐发学说及教诲 *** 论;
儿童心剃头展的灵敏 期理论;
“爱和安闲”学校教诲体系体例和教学治理 系统。
Social Contribution
The S.R.X Education Organization gathers a group of experts who intensively study the educational science and human growth to create a theoretical system of psychology and pedagogy which has solid foundation, extensive and profound historical origin together with wide and deep scope of research. The system has braved the review of various thoughts and the verification of time and practice.
“Love and Freedom, Rule and Equality” educational spirit;
“Complete Man and Integrated Growth” educational philosophy;
Scientific theory of children psycho *** ysis and educational methodology;
Scientific theory of the development of children logic and mathematics;
Principle and constitution of the scientific enlightenment theory;
Theory of children’s mentality and intelligence development;
Scientific theory of sense organ education;
Theory of sensitive period of children’s mentality development.