


冰雪奇缘英文简介FROZEN is a 2013 3D computer animation USA film.The film by Walt Disney Animation Studios,and released by Walt Disney Studios film company.The film by Chris Barker and directed by Jennifer Lee,and by Christine Bell,Idina Menzel,Jonathan Grove and other voice."Frozen" story of Andersen fairy tale" the snow queen "adaptation based on the film tells the story of sister Aisha,in succession to the throne,her magic out of the frozen earth.In order to break the curse Aisha frozen,optimistic fearless sister Anna step forward bravely,and adventurous mountaineer Christof and his partner team of reindeer,launched a magic journey to emerge in an endless stream,The path winds along mountain ridges story.The film in March 3,2014 (Beijing time) won the eighty-sixth Oscar Award for Best Animated Feature Film Award and the award for best original song.


冰雪奇缘英文感受In winter I watch a film,who is called Frozen,it is about two girls called Elsa and Anna.They were very closed in kid,one day Elsa hurt Anna with her power carelessly.Then Elsa start to scare her power,and not to propinquity anybody including Anna.Stop in here ,in this film I learn two things .First love is importance to everyone,because love can make us be strong.Second confidence can make everything be true,I think that not have any confidance you will be lose,just like Anna she have her confidant to find Elsa at last she did.

上一篇:如何欣赏评判 绘画大师蒙德里安的油画画风?

下一篇:请问香港哪里可以买到JENNIFER LOPEZ的衣服或包?

