
超时空甩尾 在线

1、《红线(2010)》百度云无删减完全 版在线看 看,小池健导演的 2、超时空甩尾删了什么 3、百里守约的红线是枪弹的轨迹吗? 4、超时空甩尾片尾曲redline day歌词 《红线(2010)》百度云无删减完全 版在线看 看,小池健导演的


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《红线 Redline》

导演: 小池健

编剧: 石井克人、榎户洋司、樱井圭记

主演: 木村拓哉、苍井优、浅野忠信、Akemi、Mark Allen Jr.

类型: 动做、科幻、动画

造片国度/地域: 日本

语言: 日语

上映日期: 2010-10-09(日本)

片长: 102分钟

别名: 超时空甩尾(台)

远 远的将来,飞翔交通东西已经代替了汽车,但是赛车那项运动仍然在各个星球广受欢送。闻名 的“红线”赛事是赛车界级别更高的角逐,也是浩瀚车手的末极梦想。在合作红线赛的资格赛——“黄线”角逐中,赛车手JP(木村拓哉 配音)幸运的与“少男猎手”索诺西(苍井优 配音)一同晋级红线。本届红线赛在枪弹横飞的“机器世界”举办,令本就残暴 刺激的赛车更具吸引力。然而主办星球的统治者因担忧本身星球的奥秘 表露,决定在角逐中全力阻击一寡车手;另一方面,JP在少小时曾与索诺西了解,然然后者似乎忘记了那一切。红线赛如期在枪林弹雨中拉开了帷幕……  


超时空甩尾没有删了什么。《超时空甩尾》是2011年小池健导演的一部充满 激情的原创赛车类动画片子,讲的是一个关于远 远将来的五年一度的宇宙速度对决“REDLINE”的故事,没有删除什么工具。



1、百里守约二技能释放身手 :二技能需要对准蓄力释放,但是蓄力未完成时枪弹会有偏移,对目标 形成损害 和减速。对小兵和野怪有穿透的效果,但是对敌方英雄是没有穿透效果的。


超时空甩尾片尾曲redline day歌词

Right before the sunrise, one thing is on my mind

Need to take the stress and throw it all away

Feelings to discover, knowing undercover

What does it really mean to me

You are the flower I'm the rain

Without you life is not the same

I'm everything you'll ever need

Though rarely spoken, we still proceed

I can see the sunlight, looking into your eyes

You're riding right next to me, and we both become one

Heading towards the sun, following the line

Following the redline to the sun

You are the air that I breathe

Without you I am incomplete

You are the only one for me

Though rarely spoken, I know you believe

I love you, I love you

I love you, I love you

I love you, I love you

I love you, I love you

It's a redline day, everything's ok

Put your cares away, it's a redline day

It's a redline day, we can love today

And I hope you say, it's a redline day

It's a redline day, It's a perfect day

Time to get away, it's a redline day

It's a redline day, everyone can play

Everybody say, it's a redline day

I love you, I love you

I love you, I love you

I love you, I love you

I love you, I love you

Right before the sunrise, one thing is on my mind

Need to take the stress and throw it all away

Feelings to discover, knowing undercover

What does it really mean to me

You are the flower I'm the rain

Without you life is not the same

I'm everything you'll ever need

Though rarely spoken, we still proceed



