王若琳i love you及王若琳iloveyou歌词翻译
王若琳i love you歌词翻译
王若琳的歌曲《i love you》是一首表达恋爱的歌曲。那首歌曲中,王若琳用温暖的歌声唱出了恋爱的幸福与美妙。以下是歌曲的歌词翻译:
Verse 1:
我是谁? 我在哪? / Who am I? Where am I?
我在那里,那里就是你的身旁。/ I am here, beside you.
不安心,我会担忧, / I worry, I get anxious
可你在我身旁,给我所有慰藉。/ But you are by my side, giving me all comfort.
我爱你,历来未曾变, / I love you, never changing
一见钟情,然后相恋。 / Love at first sight, and then in love.
相遇如斯温暖, / Meeting was so warm
相处如斯美妙。/ Being together is so beautiful.
Verse 2:
我心里的感触感染,你能大白吗?/ Can you understand my feelings?
只要你大白,一切都无所谓。/ As long as you understand, everything is alright.
我们的恋爱有多甜美, / Our love is so sweet
没有人可以体味。/ No one can experience it.
关于将来的事,我们没必要担忧。/ We don't need to worry about the future
相信你,和我在一路,我们会很好。/ I believe in you, being together, we will be fine.
当我靠近你,我能感触感染到我的心跳。/ When I'm close to you, I can feel my heart beating
当我凝视你,我能感触感染到我的灵魂。/ When I look at you, I can feel my soul
我不晓得你能否能听见我说的话,/ I don't know if you can hear what I'm saying
但我的表情是实在的,/ But my feelings are real
我爱你,我实的很爱你。/ I love you, I really do
那不是一句简单的话,/ This is not just a simple phrase
那是我的许诺,/ This is my promise
永久爱你,不离不弃。/ Always love you, never leave you.
当我倾听你,我能感触感染到你的心灵。/ When I listen to you, I can feel your soul
当我看着你,我能感触感染到你的斑斓。/ When I look at you, I can feel your beauty
你是我生射中的全数,/ You are my everything
我永久不会罢休。/ I will never let go
你是我生射中的一切,/ You are everything in my life
我会永久爱护保重你。/ I will always treasure you.