首页电视肖申克的救赎经典语录有哪些?What are the classic quotes from The Shawshank Redemption?

肖申克的救赎经典语录有哪些?What are the classic quotes from The Shawshank Redemption?

paiquba 07-08 1次浏览 0条评论


1. “愿你成为他人命运的主宰,而他人不是你的。”


2. “期看是危急的工具。期看让人变得疯狂。”


3. “抉择相持期看仍是舍弃,那是每小我都必需做出的抉择。”


4. “生射中最重要的工具是伴侣,家人和信赖。”


5. “在那个世界上没有什么是坚不成摧的,人们必需信赖本身和相互。”


The Classics in The Shawshank Redemption Quotes

The Shawshank Redemption is an acclaimed movie full of profound quotes that make us think. Here are some unforgettable classics found in the movie.

1. "Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane."

This quote, spoken by Hobbs in the movie, tells us about the power of hope. It can drive people to do crazy things and keep them persistently pursuing their goals.

2. "Get busy living, or get busy dying."

This quote, spoken by Andy Dufresne in the movie, has a profound meaning. It tells us that we need to make the best of our lives and do something meaningful, rather than being idle.

3. "The hope is what makes it so hard to leave."

This quote, spoken by Red in the movie, illustrates the importance of hope in life. It makes us hold on to things, even if leaving is the best option.

4. "Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free."

This quote, spoken by Andy Dufresne in the movie, is another quote about hope. It emphasizes the power of hope and how it can break people free from their fears.

5. "Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."

This quote, also spoken by Andy Dufresne in the movie, is one of the most famous quotes from the movie. It emphasizes the importance of hope in life and how it can keep us going when everything else fails.

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