1. “期看是个好工具,也许是更好的,好工具是不会消亡的。”
2. “有时候,你必需把本身关进暗中中,才气看清他人的光亮。”
3. “生射中最重要的两个字是什么?‘陆续前进’。”
4. “没有人能够用安闲购置安闲,安闲只要通过勇气、公平和诚笃才气获得。”
5. “期看能够让你安闲,即使你被关在监狱里。”
6. “你必需压抑无法控造的欲看,学会控造本身。”
7. “暗中和冰冷是使人实正领略自我和生活价值的处所。”
8. “当你有了期看,你就会有了生命。”
肖申克的救赎典范台词英文1. “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”
2. “Sometimes it makes you have to close your eyes to the darkness in order to see the light from others.”
3. “The most important two words in life are what? ‘Keep moving’.”
4. “No one can buy freedom. Freedom is earned through courage, justice and honesty.”
5. “Hope can set you free, even you're in prison.”
6. “You have to turn off the uncontrollable desires and learn to control yourself.”
7. “Darkness and coldness are the place where people can really understand themselves and the value of life.”
8. “When you have hope, you have life.”