含义floor做为名词,暗示空中、楼层或底部的意思。例如,The ball is on the floor.(球在地上);The apartment is on the second floor.(公寓在二楼);The floor of the pool is slippery.(泅水池底部很滑)。
做为动词,floor则暗示击倒、使倒地的意思。例如,The boxer was floored by the punch.(拳击手被一拳击倒了);The strong wind floored many trees.(强风把良多树都吹倒了)。
用法1. 暗示空中或楼层的意义时,常与介词on或in连用,例如:There's a bug on the floor.(地上有个虫子);She lives in a house on the third floor.(她住在一幢三楼的房子里)。
2. 暗示打垮的意义时,常用过往式或过往分词形式floored,例如:The bull knocked him down and floored him.(公牛把他碰倒并打昏了);The boxer was floored in the first round.(那个拳击手在第一回合就被击倒了)。
3. floor还有其他意义,例如:音乐厅前排的座位能够称为orchestra floor;在会谈中,代表做出决策的权力的一方能够用floor暗示。例如,Can I have the floor for a moment?(我能发言一会吗?)