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大卫科波菲尔(David Hume)是一位苏格兰哲学家、汗青学家、经济学家和做家。他出生于1711年4月26日,逝世于1776年8月25日。科波菲尔对现代哲学、政治经济学和人文科学的开展影响深远。他写了多部重要著做,此中最出名的是《人道论》,那部做品改动了欧洲哲学的标的目的,使得科学法例成为哲学思虑的根底。




David Hume, Scottish philosopher, historian, economist and writer, was born on April 26, 1711 and passed away on August 25, 1776. He wrote many important works, and the most famous of all is "A Treatise of Human Nature," which changed the direction of European philosophy, making the scientific laws the basis of philosophical thinking. Hume's philosophical achievements are mainly concentrated in his epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, and religious philosophy. His contribution to political economy is mainly manifested in his works "Political Discourses" and "The Wealth of Nations." Hume advocated that the government's responsibility should be to safeguard people's basic rights, such as life, liberty, and property. He believed that the market economy is the most efficient economic system because it can naturally regulate resource allocation without the need for central planning.

David HumeScottish philosopherepistemologymetaphysicsethicsreligious philosophypolitical economy.
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