起首,当人们听到欠好的动静时,往往会说"Unfortunately",暗示遗憾或是抵消息不悦。好比,你在期待一个重要的德律风面试成果,但最初却得到了失败的动静。你很失落,于是就会说"Unfortunately, I didn't get the job." 或是 "Unfortunately, I wasn't selected for the position."
其次,"Unfortunately"还能够用来暗示某件工作可能会带来的倒霉或者不幸的后果。好比,你在听气候预告时,可能会听到"Unfortunately, there will be heavy rainstorms forecasted for the weekend." 或是 "Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the event has been postponed." 那都是申明工作显现了不幸的转折,可能会给我们带来未便或者困扰。
此外,"Unfortunately"还能够用来表达某种经历或者事务是不幸的。好比,"Unfortunately, my car broke down on the way to work this morning." 或是 "Unfortunately, I missed my flight because of the traffic jam." 那些都是发作在我们身上的不幸履历,也能够说是一种遗憾。
最初,"Unfortunately"也能够用于表达某种可能的危急和风险。好比,当你看到一条警告信息时,可能会看到 "Unfortunately, there is a high level of security risk in the area." 或是 "Unfortunately, there is a potential danger of fire if the equipment is not used correctly." 那些表达体例的背后,是对某种潜在威逼的警示和提醒。