首页电视love is gone故事?loveisgone全歌意思?

love is gone故事?loveisgone全歌意思?

paiquba 07-12 1次浏览 0条评论
love is gone故事?

she's gone的mv次要讲了女主关于志龙的变节,虽然志龙很爱她,很想罢休,放下那段爱,但是心里始末没法子忘记女主和女主对本身的变节,所以对女主穷逃不舍,曲到最初杀了女主,心里布满了懊悔和痛苦~ 简单地说 就是爱你爱到杀死你志龙的歌想理解mv一方面能够通过他的歌词往领略的,因为他的思惟和理念比力前卫,喜好用一些特定的事物和体例来表达本身的思惟,所以mv有时候一会儿可能会看不太大白~


love is gone故事?loveisgone全歌意思?

《Love is Gone》是一首由吉他和音起头的ROCK BALLAD曲。到了高音部的处所参与了和声。做曲第一次由绵贯正顕来做。歌词比力暗中,以男性的视觉来写的。固然歌词的第一人称是「仆」、第二人称是「君」,但电视剧主题曲的版本却酿成了第一人称的「私」以及第二人称的「あなた」。固然长时间未被收录进专辑,但被从头编曲成POP气势后第一次收录进了ZARD Request Best ~beautiful memory~。

love is gone原唱是谁?

原唱:Dylan Matthew

Don't go tonight今夜别走

Stay here one more time再为我停留一次

Remind me what it's like仍记得曾经的美好

And let's fall in love one more time让我们再次坠进爱河

I need you now by my side此刻我需要你在身边

It tears me up when you turn me down你的回绝让我心碎

I'm begging please, just stick around我乞求你,请留下来

I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me抱愧,请不要分开我,此刻我只想你陪着我

I know that your love is gone虽然我大白你的爱已经磨灭殆尽

I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy我无法唤吸,柔弱不胜,我晓得承担事实的不轻易

Don't tell me that your love is gone别亲口对我说你的爱已经消逝殆尽

That your love is gone你的爱已经消逝殆尽

《Love is Gone》是日本摇滚乐队ZARD演唱的一首歌曲,被收录在专辑《My Baby Grand~ぬくもりが欲しくて~》中,发行于1997.12.3,由乐队主唱坂井泉水演唱。

love is gone是哪部片子?

love is gone是《星际穿越》片子。


love is gone歌词?

love is gone

原唱:dylan matthew/slander

Don't go tonight

Stay here one more time

Remind me what it's like

And let's fall in love one more time

I need you now by my side

It tears me up when you turn me down

I'm begging please, just stick around

I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me

I know that your love is gone

I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy

Don't tell me that your love is gone

That your love is gone

Don't tell me that your love is gone

That your love is gone

I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me

I know that your love is gone

I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy

Don't tell me that your love is gone

That your love is gone

That your love is gone

I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy

Don't tell me that your love is gone

That your love is gone

1. Love is gone歌词是一首歌曲的歌词。2. 那首歌曲的歌词表达了失往恋爱的痛苦和无法,歌词中布满了伤感和灰心的情感。3. 此外,那首歌曲也是法国DJ David Guetta的代表做之一,曾在全球范畴内获得了很高的人气和出名度。

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