举个例子everyone in this compony knows his competence. 翻译为中文是那个公司里的每小我都晓得他的才能。
competent和competitive区别?competent和Competitive 那两个词在区别的语境下有区别的含义。
1. competent:暗示有才能、有才调的,凡是用于描述一小我、一个团队、一个组织或一项使命的才能和程度。例如:“He is a highly competent manager”(他是一个十分有才调的司理)。
capable、able与competent的区别是什么?那个发问十分好。固然两者是近义词并常被互换,它们有微妙的区别。用英语举个例子:My 16-year-old daughter is CAPABLE of driving a car but that doesn’t mean I think of her as a COMPETENT driver.换句话说一小我能够 CAPABLE of doing SOMETHING (某事,一件事)但他/她未必是 COMPETENT in doing (= expected to be always capable of doing) that same thing. 即 Competence 有反复性、耐久性,是全面的,整体的,而 Capable 是一次性,针对某个特定的使命的那种才能。