首页电视integrity constraints是什么意思?integrity

integrity constraints是什么意思?integrity

paiquba 07-23 1次浏览 0条评论
integrity constraints是什么意思?integrity constraints是什么意思?

integrity constraints是什么意思?integrity

integrity constraints完全性约束前提完好性约束;完好性限造;完好性限造前提;完好性的限造双语例句1. Do not include any clauses defining declarative referential integrity constraints. 不要包罗可定义声明引用完好性约束的子句.2. Deleting the row violated the integrity constraints for the column or table. 删除该行违犯了该列或表的完好性约束.3. Constraints are rules that help preserve the integrity of data in a table. 约束是有助于连结表中数据的完好性的规则.

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