

paiquba 04-19 2次浏览 0条评论




瑞克1开始是企图杀进往的,泰尔西意见 以人换人,瑞克说








也就是为什么她在最后说要要回诺亚,条例里没说,当场提出来,还能让瑞克这边放人,最能提升她在团队里的威信。而这样1个领导人,诺亚回往后的生活可想而知。看Beth当时的动作(妈蛋这1段又看了几遍,每次都心碎啊 *** T T)


不过这只是在这个事情已经发生了之后的1种阐明 ,没错,上面写的都是“有可能”“应该”,也就是说,营救诺亚还有另外的可能,我也认为Beth的做法风险太大,完全有另外的 *** 。
Beth在经历了这么多,从1个想要自杀的小女孩成长到如今可以独当1面,这样1种行为这样1种死法我无法认同,我也无法认同Beth是“无法漠视他人的痛苦,所以你抉择了死亡。”这只是在事情发生之后最能抚慰人的阐明 ,但我无法认同这件事情的发生。无法认同经历了父亲死亡,经历了监狱风云,经历了与弩哥的内心升华后的Beth会因为这件事而失往了信心。

从编剧的角度,说1下自己对安顿贝丝死的理解:美剧对角色的刻画很深刻,不过这样的弊端就是挈沓(详见迷失这部神剧),现在黑人兄妹戏份越来越多,亚伯拉罕团伙的加进,立刻又会碰到新的人员,摩根肯定也是个重要角色,到时候又有1批人进来,以前大部分都是无关紧要的路人甲刚进来就领盒饭,让贝斯领盒饭1方面可以展示出这个末世的残暴 (你看贝斯都蜕变了,都以为她后面也要挑大梁了吧?我偏不!)也可以腾出更多的空间来描述瑞克等老队员的转变与新奇血液,而且让贝丝领盒饭我认为卡萝尔也是1个很重要的点,她俩都是1开始很柔弱,慢慢变得坚强,而卡罗尔比贝丝升级速度明显快了不止1点啊。


贝丝演员在508播出后的及时文字摘访TVLINE | Howlong have you known that Beth was getting killed off?问:你什么时候才知道贝丝这个角色被杀掉的?Sincelate August. I found out the day the script [for the episode] came out.艾米丽:8月底才知道(我:怀疑剧本在6月份SDCC之后有改动)。剧本出来那天我才知道。TVLINE| Who told you?问:谁告诉你的?[Showrunner]Scott Gimple.艾米丽:SG(出品人)TVLINE| What was your initial reaction?问:你当时是什么感觉?I wasvery sad.艾米丽:我很悲伤TVLINE| Did you race to read the script right away? Or did you put it off?问:你当时是立刻往读了剧本还是暂时放到1边?[Fightingback tears] I didn’t really feel like reading it. Also, the next day, I stillhad all of [Episode 5.07] to shoot. All of the Beth scenes you saw last weekwere done in two days of shooting. [Crying] So I wasn’t anxious to read thenext script…艾米丽:(强忍住眼泪)我当时不太想看它,而且第2天,我还有整个507要往拍摄。所有你们看到的507贝丝的剧情都是在两天内拍摄的,(哭抽泣)所以当时我没有急着往阅读新的剧本。TVLINE| Was it tough to have to shoot all of those scenes right after learning youwould be leaving in next episode?问:在得知自己下1集要离往的情状下,拍摄507是不是很艰难?[Crying]Yes.艾米丽:(哭)是的TVLINE| Are you OK?问:你还好吗?Yeah…I’m fine.艾米丽:是的,,,还好TVLINE| Did you reach out to your co-stars for emotional support?问:你有没有向剧组其它演员追求情感上的支持?Ithink the original plan was for everyone to get a call [before they read it inthe script]. I know when Scott Wilson was killed off [in Season 4], everyonewas called [ahead of time]. And I think Scott Gimple originally [planned to do]that because he had times set up to talk to everyone that day. [But] I know noteveryone got called, because some people called me the next morning when theyread the script. Like, Norman Reedus and Andy [Lincoln] didn’t get any kind ofcall or anything like that. [Editor’s note: A source close to the showmaintains that Gimple, on set in Atlanta, contacted all cast members either inperson or via phone within hours of his meeting with Kinney, well before thescript was distributed.]艾米丽:我以为最初设定应该是每个即将死往角色在收到剧本前,所有剧组演员都会接到1个 *** 通知。我知道第4季郝谢尔角色被杀掉时,所有剧组演员都提前被通知了,那样SW(郝谢尔演员)就能有时间跟其它演员交流1下。但是我这次,不是每个人都被通知了,因为第2天我接到1些剧组演员的 *** ,说他们读到剧本才知道,像诺曼和安迪(瑞克演员)就没有接到任何通知的 *** 。(编者:剧组内部人员坚持主张说SG在亚特兰大拍摄现场跟EK开完会后就立刻通知了所有剧组演员。我:既然说法矛盾就是有黑幕啦)TVLINE | Was ita comfort to have that support?问:有其它演员的情感支持是不是比较好Yes.艾米丽:是的TVLINE| When you finally did read the script, what was your reaction?问:最终你是什么时候读的剧本,你的反应是什么?Idon’t really remember. At the time I had to deal with all of the logistics,like figuring out what to do with my place. [Crying] I’ve basically lived onand off in Atlanta for four years.艾米丽:我记不清楚了。那时候我必须处理1些居住和移动问题,比如怎么处理我在亚特兰大的小公寓(哭)我基本上在亚特兰大间间断断地居住了4年。TVLINE| Were you satisfied with how Beth went out?问:你对贝丝最终结局称心吗?Ithink the writing throughout has been great, but I wasn’t ready for it to beover. I think the Beth character, in particular… more could’ve been done with ateenager growing up [in that world]. I did not see it coming at all, especiallythis season. It’s weird, because I would’ve been OK with [this happening] inthe second season or the third season, when I was like, “Oh, maybe thischaracter is coming to a close. What else is there to do with her?” But now Ifeel differently… I feel like there was still so much more to [explore.], like,what could have happened with Daryl?艾米丽:我觉得整体的剧本是很棒的,但是我对这样结束完全没有预备好。我觉得贝丝这个角色,特殊是对于1个年轻人来说还有很大的发展空间。我完全没有预料到,特殊是在第5 季这样。真的太希奇了。因为如果这是发生在第2季或者第3季,我会觉得很符合逻辑,因为会觉得这个角色没有很大作为,可以结束。但是现在,我感觉完全不同,觉得还有那么多空间可以刻画和发展,比如跟达里尔会怎么样诸如此类。TVLINE | Did Scott offer anexplanation?问:SG有阐明 吗?He didn’t, really. I think the whole point is there is no rhyme or reason [to the deaths on the show]. It’s like real-life. Why does that person [die] asopposed to other people? We really don’t quite know why.艾米丽:他没有,真的。我觉得重点是,人们就是会无缘无故死往。就像现实生活1样,为什么是这个人死而不是其他人?我们真的不知道原因。TVLINE | Did Daryl’s act of retaliation — killing Dawn after she killed you — warm your heart a little bit?问:达里尔的报复行动——爆了道恩的头——有给你1点点抚慰吗?[Laughs]I don’t know…艾米丽:(笑)我不知道……TVLINE | Fans have been buzzing about the Daryl-Beth relationship ever since they had that big episode last season. What do you make of their dynamic? Romantic? Brother-sisterly?问:从上季的BD集之后,粉丝对两人关系议论纷纷,你怎么看待两人间的关系?爱情?还是兄妹?They never really told us what it was supposed to be… I think it was a situation where they were getting to know each other. First, they were just trying to get along at all,because I don’t think that they saw each other’s point of view very well.And then as the story went along they maybe became friends, and I do think that it started to sort of go, “Oh, what more could this be? Could it keep going into something else?”艾米丽:他们没告诉过我们这究竟是什么关系……我想他们在这种情状下互相了解。1开始,他们只是想方设法和对方好好相处,因为那时他们还不了解对方的优点。然后随着情节推进,他们可能成了朋友,我想也就是那时两个人关系开始深进,就像“噢,还能有点什么?会不会还是走向更深的关系?”TVLINE | Beth came off as rather noble and almost heroic in this final arc. Was that of some comfort to you, the fact that she went out on such a high note?问:在最后时刻,贝丝变得优雅而具有英雄色彩,她这样高调地出场有让你好受点吗?[Crying]Yeah. I do feel like she grew up a lot. I do think that she always had it in her. Maybe it wasn’t something the audience could read, but I’d like to think this was a part of her from the beginning. She always had a fight in her.艾米丽:(哭)是,她成长了很多。我认为她1直都有那种强悍的特质。可能看众没有发现,但我坚信这种特质从1开始就是她的1部分。她勇于斗争。TVLINE | She certainly wasn’t afraid to stand up to Dawn.问:她根本不恐惧杠上道恩。She started to become fearless, like, “I could die at any moment! Whatever!”She would rather be the person she wants to be, strong and fighting for herself, then play the game. She didn’t have anything to lose.艾米丽:她开始变得无所恐惧,就像是“我随时都可能会死,还怕啥!无所恐惧!”她成为了自己想成为的人:强悍、为自己奋斗、顺势而生。她没有可以失往的东西了。TVLINE | Some fans are wondering why Maggie hasn’t expressed much concern about the whereaboutsof her possibly-alive sister prior to tonight’s episode. What’s your theory about that?问:粉丝很希奇在之前的剧情里,玛姬似乎对自己可能还活着的妹妹毫不关怀,有啥阐明 吗?It’s a world where they’re losing people a lot. And if you’re going to survive,you can’t sit around mourning for very long. And just because we don’t see those scenes, doesn’t mean those are things that Maggie isn’t going through.You didn’t see a lot of Beth in Season 2 or Season 3, but I was imagining all along what she was feeling and thinking. So just because we don’t see Maggie being upset about where Beth is, that doesn’t mean it’s not on her mind.艾米丽:在末日里,每个人都失往了很多人。如果你想活下往,你没有时间坐下来哀悼太久。而且,我们没在屏幕上见到,不代表玛姬没有挣扎。第23季,你们不常见贝丝,但我1直在斟酌她所有的感受和想法。所以,你们没有见到玛姬的伤心,不代表她不伤心。TVLINE | What was it like shooting your death scene? Emotional?问:拍摄死亡场景有什么感觉?很情绪化?Yeah. It was a long day.艾米丽:是,特殊漫长的1天。TVLINE | Did you have a farewell dinner like the other killed-off regulars did before you?问:你和其他人1样有死亡大餐吗?[Fightingback tears] Yeah, we had a party.艾米丽:(忍住眼泪)是的,我们开了1个派对。TVLINE | Ten years from now,which castmembers do you think you’ll still be in touch with?问:十年后,你觉得自己还会和那些剧组成员保持联系?Norman and Lauren [Cohan]. And Scott Wilson. [Crying] And Steven[Yeun].艾米丽:诺曼(达里尔)和劳伦(玛姬),还有斯科特·威尔森(赫谢尔),(哭)还有斯蒂芬·元(格伦)。TVLINE | Do you have aparticular fond memory from the past four-plus years?问:在过往的4年有特殊的美好回忆吗?There’s a lot. [Crying] I can’t pick one.艾米丽:太多了…(哭)我选不出来。


美国电影《盗宝联盟》里的金发美女是海伦娜·马特森饰演的。她本名为海伦娜·克莉斯婷娜·马特森,是1名瑞典女演员,1984年生于斯德哥尔摩。她曾出演电影《异种4: 觉醒》,在电视剧《欲看师奶》中饰演伊莲娜,在《犯罪现场调查:迈阿密》中饰演朱莉安娜。金色的秀发、傲人的身材、性感的脸庞,总是能在登场时挠住看众的眼球,她在《盗宝联盟》中饰演的性感女杀手1角,给看众留下了深刻的印象。

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