首页电影design by korea和design in korea的区别是什么?

design by korea和design in korea的区别是什么?

paiquba 07-16 1次浏览 0条评论
"Design by Korea" and "Design In Korea" refer to two different approaches to designing products or services. "Design By Korea" is an international design competition that emphasizes creativity, innovation, and collaboration between designers from different countries. It aims to promote cross-cultural exchange and cooperation in the field of design. On the other hand, "Design In Korea" focuses on providing practical guidance and resources for individuals who want to improve their skills and knowledge in design. It includes workshops, seminars, and online courses to help designers develop their skills and explore new trends and techniques.

“韩国的现代汽车公司以其独特的设计风格闻名于世,许多汽车的设计都是由韩国设计师完成的,因此我们可以说这些汽车的设计是‘设计 by Korea’。”

“Design in Korea” 释义为:指在韩国进行的设计活动或设计工作地点的设计作品。“这个词汇强调的是设计的地点或工作场所,即该设计是在韩国进行的。”

“近年来,许多国际知名品牌开始在韩国设立设计中心,以利用韩国的创新设计和先进技术,这些在韩国进行的设计工作,我们可以称之为‘Design in Korea’。”


design by korea和design in korea的区别是什么?


“Design by Korea” 更侧重于设计师的国籍,而“Design in Korea” 则更侧重于设计的地点或工作场所。

触目惊心是鬼片吗? 80年代国产特务电影老电影?

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