

paiquba 10-09 1次浏览 0条评论


    <li>The picture's source URL is incorrect. It should be <img src="https:// paiquba-1251040509.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com/zb_users/upload/2024/10/20241009133304172845198420736.jpeg"> instead.</li>

    <li>Here, "启示" should be replaced with "implications".</li>

    <li>"实际生活中" should be replaced with "the real world".</li>

    <li>The phrase "折射出" should be replaced with "showcases", and the word "罪犯" should be replaced with "criminals".</li>

    <li>The sentence "突出了" should be replaced with "puts forward", and the word "震撼人心" should be replaced with "shocking".</li>

    <li>The sentence "也因此" should be replaced with "as a result", and the phrase "逻辑" should be replaced with "reasoning".</li>

    <li>The sentence "正义难以触及" should be replaced with "the lack of justice can't be reached", and the phrase "教训" should be replaced with "lesson".</li>

    <li>The sentence "最终被释放" should be replaced with "finally released", and the phrase "寻仇" should be replaced with "报仇 for their wrongdoings".</li>





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