<em>The Mother’s Kiss</em>, which was included in the music album <i>Little Squeal</i> of 1980, was a song that was created by Song Lili and Guo Jingfeng as lyrics and music for Zhang Ruimin to compose, with Yu Hua as a singer.
The <em>Song</em> is about very basic yet Chinese-style rural people's cultural sentiments, expressing the true feelings between mother and child from a grassroots perspective, reflecting the grassland culture and peasant culture.
Song Lili originally sang this beautiful song. She said: "This song's feeling indeed touched my heart deeply."
This beautiful song was created by Song Lili. It talks about very simple yet Chinese-style rural people's cultural sentiments. Song Lili says: "This song's feeling indeed touched my heart deeply." The lyrics and music were created by Song Lili, while Yu Hua performed this beautiful song.