- 独行铁金刚(Coogans.Bluff, 1968)
- 迷雾追魂(Breezy, 1973)
- 星空牛仔(Space.Cowboys, 2000)
- 硬汉小子(Iron Man, 1980)
- 黑暗骑士(Honor, 1985)
- 坚韧不拔(Steel Man, 1980)
- 恶霸(Sicilian, 1980)
- *** 帝国狂热者(Arabian Horn, 1980)
- 背包中的男人(The Backpacker, 1982)
- 夜战英雄(Night Stalker, 1982)
- *** 手(Bombweaver, 1985)
- 白色猎人(White Hunter, 1990)
- 快速反应者(Fast Response, 1990)
- 不屈不挠者(Unyielding, 1980)
- 破灭之路(Breakthrough, 1993)
- 卧薪尝胆者(Sleepless in the Woods, 1997)
- 红色沙漠战士(Red Desert Warrior, 1997)
- 镇守高地者(Defending Heights, 1997)
- 安全卫士(Safe Guard, 1997)
- 历史的罪人(Historical Sinner, 1997)
- 平民英雄(Common Man, 1997)
- 无畏骑士(Hero Knight, 1997)
- 勇敢战士(Brave Warrior, 1990)
- 哈利·波特系列(Harry Potter series, 1990)
- 痛苦拼图(Bloodwork, 1997)
- 怪异人生(Out of This World, 1997)
- 英雄无双(Heroes and Villains, 1997)
- 龙头英雄(Titanic Hero, 1997)
- 白色骑士(White Knight, 1990)
- 神秘河(Secret River, 1997)
- 动荡任务(Dramatic Task, 1997)
- 神奇山羊(The Magic Sheep, 1997)
- 全能英雄(All-Power, 1997)
- 古代战争(Ancient War, 1997)
- 气血对决(Blood & Iron, 1997)
- 穷人父子情(Poor Man’s Family, 1980)
- 耳朵与眼泪(Eyes & Tears, 1982)
- 切身可见(Cutting Edge, 1983)
- 苍穹之城(Sky City, 1997)
- 无声之王(Silent King, 1997)
- 愤怒之王(Angry King, 1997)
- 魅力之城(Power City, 1997)
- 理性之光(Reason Light, 1997)
- 每天都在变(Everyday Changes, 1997)
- 壮志凌云(Stately Courage, 1997)
- 战神(Warrior, 1997)
- 喜马拉雅山脉(Mount Everest, 1997)
- 油麻地之子(Son of Oil, 1997)
- 朝圣之旅(Path to Jerusalem, 1997)
- 高原深处(High Plateau, 1997)
- 无尽战场(Endless Battlefield, 1997)
- 犒劳之路(Reward Trail, 1997)
- 感悟人生(Awaken Life, 1997)
- 起死回生者(Resurrectionist, 1997)
- 死亡之门(Death Door, 1997)
- 漫步荒野(Walking the Wasteland, 1997)
- 离离原上草(Nostalgia, 1997)
- 木马行动(Maze Action, 1997)
- 青蛙王子(Tadpole, 1997)
- 狂风暴雨(Thunderstorm, 1997)
- 火焰之心(Fireheart, 1997)
- 万世无敌(Millennium无敌, 1997)
- 海底故事(Underwater Tales, 1997)
- 长城关卡(Passage of the Wall, 1997)
- 真实犯罪(Reality Crime, 1997)
- 永远的敌人(Never Again, 1997)
- 万众一心(Willing Victory, 1997)
- 无尽黑夜(Endless Night, 1997)
- 青春之歌(Song of Youth, 1997)
- 金碧辉煌(Golden Riches, 1997)
- 奥运冠军(Olympic Champion, 1997)